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Dear Friends and Colleagues The 28th United Kingdom Continence Society Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) was held in March 2021 online. This was the first online ASM for UKCS and since it was hosted by the Glasgow UKCS team, it was designed to retain a uniquely Scottish flare! This was certainly an exciting conference to be part of as it was the longest ever ASM: 3 evenings of pre-conference workshops and 2 full days of programme on Thursday and Friday. Over 100 presentations were pre-recorded to allow smooth transitions involving 70 invited speakers. Audience members were able to participate through the messaging function, posing questions to the presenters. Topics included: Clinical Investigations and Measurements, Colorectal Aspects, Continence technology, Quality Improvement, Neuromodulation and Sexual dysfunction and Paediatric/ Adolescent Disorders. The event is available to watch again here: UKCS 2021 Online Registered delegates: should use the password already provided to them. Not yet registered? Book here and once registered you will receive the access codes: Testimonials from delegates: “An excellent conference. Very informative and well organised.” “This conference was very informative and intriguing. The use of the online platform worked really well.” 2022: Next year we will be looking forward to #UKCS2022 hosted by Dr Swati Jha and the team in Sheffield. UKCS is also planning open access online webinars for UKCS Members later on during 2021. To stay in touch with UKCS activities you can follow them on twitter @UKContinenceSoc, via this website or you can request further information via
Publicity Partner We are very grateful to our friends at Urology News for their on-going support in promoting this event to their readership. William Young - Sales Executive Pinpoint Scotland Ltd, 9 Gayfield Square, Edinburgh, EH1 3NT, UK T: +44 (0)131 557 4184 |
The event is available to watch again here: View Again Here Not yet registered? Book here and once registered you will receive the access codes: Register Here Our allied associations involved in developing the programme include:
Membership of the above organisations entitles the delegate to Member Discount when registering: Register here. The UK Continence Society appreciates the kind support offered by Glasgow Convention Bureau, University of Strathclyde and City of Glasgow during 2020. We are sorry we cannot enjoy the venue and hospitality on offer due to the cancellation of the Conference and going 'On-line' in 2021.