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to the 31st United Kingdom Continence Society Annual Scientific Meeting

at the

DeVere Grand Connaught Rooms, London



Programme Highlights

Venue and Visit London

Company Investment Zone

Call for Abstracts is open

Registration is OPEN 

News Updates:

Submit an Abstract here

Provisional Outline Programme (- this programme maybe subject to change and regularly updated)

Monday 17th March 2025

0830 - 0835 Welcome and Introduction to the Meeting: 

08.35. Plenary Session 1: Surgical Approaches:  It’s What You Do Not the Way You That You Do It! (Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women)

08.40 Open Surgery. 

08.55  Laparoscopic Surgery. 

09.10  Robotic Surgery.  

09.25 Conclusions: 

09.30 Plenary Session 2: Complex Pelvic Floor Case Management

09.35 Case Presentation 1

History and Imaging 

MDT Discussion of Management Options 

Actual Management and Literature Review 

09.50 Case Presentation 2

History and Imaging

MDT Discussion of Management Options 

Actual Management and Literature

10.05 Case Presentation 3

History and Imaging

MDT Discussion of Management Options 

Actual Management and Literature Review 


10.25 Commercial Break 

10.33 Coffee Break

1105-1200 Plenary Session 3: Is the NHS Sexist?

Policies for Women’s Health (including prevention) 

Research Funding for Women’s Health 

Advocacy for Women’s Health 


12.00 Commercial Break

1215- 1315 Lunch

13.15 Parallel Session 1: As-Live Surgery (with Surgeon Talk Through/Answering Questions)

Video 1 

Video 2 

14.50 Commercial Break 

14.55-15.30 Tea Break

 Video 3 

 Video 4 


17.05 Commercial Break 

13.15 Parallel Session 2 Abstracts

Oral Podium Presentations

14.50 Commercial Break 

14.55-1530 Tea Break

Oral Poster Presentation


17.05 Commercial Break 

13.15 Parallel Session 3 Abstracts

Oral Podium Presentations

14.50 Commercial Break 

14.55-15.30 Tea Break

Oral Poster Presentation


17.05 Commercial Break

18.30 for 19.00 until 23.00 - Irish Themed Dinner with Ceilidh